Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Life has Unity

I was on my way to New Orleans on Saturday morning, and I was listening to NPR. An interesting segment came on that featured a scientist who unlocked a key to determining why there are different life spans in animals. He talked about how every animal has about a billion of heart beats in its lifetime, but the bigger the animal is, the slower the heart beats are, which drags out how long it will live. However, humans are the only exception because we understand how to heal ourselves better and preserve our bodies. The scientist went on to say that he's not a religious man, but findings like this, which show the unity of life, makes him think that there's some higher power that orchestrated life. God is so amazing! Here's the link to the story.

Anyway, I had an amazing time in New Orleans. Everytime I go, I feel that it's going to make a good home. I met some people who go to UNO, and they all had very positive things to say about it. Hmmm, I really hate being so far from Matt. I am excited about being closer. O God! What's the next step?

It's strange not to have to wake up early for work. I've really enjoyed the summer. Saturday, I'll be returning to Tallahassee. My last semester--it's gone by so fast!

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