Tuesday, September 4, 2007

So many options

I have decided to try new churches. I have faithfully attended Thomasville Road Baptist Church for almost the entire duration of my career at FSU. It's been a good church for me to plug into and try to make a difference, but sometimes, you just need to say, "good bye."

Why this sudden change? If you know me well, then you know that I have been struggling with this decision for several months now. I do not want to speak illy of TRBC. It's a good church with super awesome people. Change, however, is a good thing. If you never go out on faith, then you'll have a harder time trying to grow and hear God.

Shawna asked what I was looking for, and honestly, I hadn't really thought about it. So, I'm going to make a noninclusive, general list. What I'm looking for:
  • Somewhere not strictly bound to protocol
  • Praying is a very important part of everything
  • Openness of the congregation
Moreover, you can reasonably assume that this leaves me with many options. Do not worry, I will have a different group in which I can serve, i.e. Intervarsity. Plus, I still have great roommates and great friends that encourage me daily.

I can feel the winds of change coming over me. Tallahassee has a refreshed appeal to me now, but I still feel somewhat out of place. God has a perfect plan for me, as Shawna reminded me. I just need to search it out and have faith in His guidance.

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