Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's all for God's glory

As school progresses, you can always bet that I'm going to stress myself out. The assignments are not exactly difficult, but I want to be excellent at school, so I always tend to worry too much about my schoolwork. Sometimes I feel anxious because I believe that I don't have the same connections that everyone else has to the art world and because the assignments are going to make me get out of my comfort zone. I even go as far as questioning my purposes in the program.

How silly, right? It's been only a month since school has started. Everyone in my classes is super nice and helpful. My professors know me by name. My co-worker has a lot of connections to people in the local art scene. Heck, God even paid my tuition and gave me a job on campus! Sure, the end result of this work is uncertain; but, in the midst of all these great things, how do I always find doubt?

Matt and I were busy last night writing papers (Wednesdays are our free nights together, though). He was writing about why God had the Israelites cross the Jordan River in the same manner they crossed the Red Sea. The Israelites could have just gone around the river and started the invasion, but God wanted the Israelites to worship Him and acknowledge His glory before they went into battle. Matt told me that God's more interested in worship than He is in our deeds. Wow, that puts things in perspective.

Here I am. I'm trying to do all of these things because I feel that God has called me to do them. But what does any of it mean if I forget to praise Him in the midst of the battle? I would have forgotten the whole point of my actions and accomplishments.

1 comment:

megan said...

ah, back to worship. worship in the midst of the ordinary and the difficult is often times the sweetest thing! i agree :)