I have been meaning to write about this for a while, but I never seemed to find the time. Haha.
We studied this prayer in my small group Bible study a couple of weeks ago. I had memorized this prayer when I was younger because we used to recite it every time we went to Religion class at St. Mark's private school. I never realized what an amazingly powerful prayer it is.
1One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." 2He said to them, "When you pray, say:
" 'Father,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.
3Give us each day our daily bread.
4Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
And lead us not into temptation.' "
Luke 11:1-4
I love that the disciple asks Jesus to teach them how to pray. The disciple realizes that Jesus has some insight and that prayer is something that should be learned. I think I should ask Jesus the same question.
As we continued to look at each individual verse, I realized that this entire prayer flows very naturally. The prayer is also requires for the person to come to God humbly because through this prayer, we realize that God is the only one who can provide for us.
I love how it starts out with such a paradox: "Father" (a very personal title), and then recognizing the holiness of our Father (impersonal because it is set apart from we who are unholy). How unfathomable it is to me that we who do not deserve to be considered sons and daughters of a holy, awesome Lord are allowed to come into His presence and call Him, "Father."
If He condescends to allow us to call him, "Father," then I truly desire for this loving, gracious God to have His way come to the earth for all to enjoy. What does that look like in my life? That is what I ask and pray for.
I realize that I cannot do this on my own. I am tossed around by the sinfulness of my nature and the world. My life is not under my control, therefore I must ask God, my Father, to provide for my needs.
I am so unworthy of His generosity, so I ask for His forgiveness of my shortcomings. However, if I want His kingdom to come on earth, then I desire t0 pursue His righteousness. One way I can realize this desire is by forgiving others. I walk in mercy because He is merciful.
This lifestyle will be very difficult, so I pray that God will deliver me from situations where I will have to endure hardships and temptations to do the wrong thing. I cannot live this on my own.
I love this prayer. My prayers have had so much more meaning after studying this. I love the progression of recognizing the Father's control and desire to provide.
Well, anyway, I just got back from Thanksgiving break. It was so much fun!
I got engaged, saw my fun family and friends, and had a nice break from schoolwork. There's only two more weeks left of the last semester. It's kinda hard to believe.